Appliance Electrical Test & Tag
We perform Test and Tag services to the AS 3760 Standards.
We can test on-site, you can bring to us and schedule follow up testing intervals of 3 months up to 5 years depending on requirements.
For the most common environments, we recommend the following frequencies:
3 MONTHS - For the building, construction and demolition trades. This requires the most frequent testing due to it being considered a harsh environment and therefore an appliance being damaged is more likely compared to other settings.
6 MONTHS - For factories, warehouses and production companies. This type of environment isn't considered as harsh, but because appliances are often used constantly it needs to be tested every 6 months.
12 MONTHS - In an environment where the equipment/supply cord is prone to flexing or open to abuse. This is often referred to as a hostile environment as the appliance can be overused and is therefore exposed to abuse by the user, as well as dust, general deterioration and the weather.
5 YEARLY - In an environment where the equipment/supply cord is not prone to flexing or open to abuse. This is commonly referred to as a non-hostile environment - a typical example of this might be a company's server room.